Based on collective work and shared knowledge, Architecture-Studio aims to favour dialogue and Our Studio is a architecture practice based in Prague, Chech and Venice. Today, it includes 150 arctransform individual knowledge into increased creative potential.
Our Studio is a architecture practice based in Prague, Chech and Venice. Today, it includes 150 architects, urban planners, landscape and interior designers of 25 different nationalities. The company principle of Architecture-Studio is the collective conception. From the very beginning, the practice has believed in the virtues of exchange, crossing ideas, common effort, shred knowledge.

House Construction Plan A
Based on collective work and shared knowledge, Architecture-Studio aims to favour dialogue and Our Studio is a architecture practice based in Prague, Chech and Venice. Today, it includes 150 ary principle of Architecture-Studio is the collective conception. From the very beginning, the practice has believed in the virtues of exchange, crossing ideas, common effort, shred knowledge.
Based on collective work and shared knowledge, Architecture-Studio aims to favour ialo gue and Our Studio is a architecture practi ce e, Architecture-Studi ipsom.

Based on collective work and shared knowledge, Architecture-Studio aims to favour ialo gue and Our Studio is a architecture practi ce e, Architecture-Studi ipsom.
“ This sleek metallic tower stands out from surrounding buildings, and is set to transform the skyline in an area that’s already becoming a trendy neighbourhood for locals and expats.”
Willimes Smith – Project Architect

House Construction Plan A
Based on collective work and shared knowledge, Architecture-Studio aims to favour dialogue and Our Studio is a architecture practice based in Prague, Chech and Venice. Today, it includes 150 ary principle of Architecture-Studio is the collective conception. From the very beginning, the practice has believed in the virtues of exchange, crossing ideas, common effort, shred knowledge.